Jitterbug Club
The Jitterbug Club will be a contemporary Harlem-style jazz club. With plenty of hoochie and loads more coochie, it will creep out like a shadow, jump and jive like New York 1933, and wail like nothin’ you ever heard before.
This ain’t nostalgia folks, it’s sophisticated pandemonium. It’s dressed to the nines and keepin’ in step!
Mojo Juju & The Snake Oil Merchants
The Jitterbeetles (in-house chorus line)
James Grim (of Brothers Grim fame)
Very special performances from Frankie Valentine, Papillion and Le Snak
Dress code:
Refinement and elegance, roguish to excess, hedonistic decadence
For Dandies and Dames, Pimps and Pachucos, Divas and Dolls
The highbrow and the hard-boiled
Dress to the nines or scram kiddo!
FR | SA | SU | MO | TU | WE | TH | FR | SA | SU |
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Posted in Friday April 1st, Music