Rose Nolan
Over the past 20 years, Rose Nolan has developed a unique and very personal body of work, which presents her ideas and themes in a range of different forms and versions. Her striking red and white abstract motifs and shapes, her stylized text and her use of simple materials such as hessian and cardboard connect her to 20th century modernist practices. Working with banners, flags, self-published pamphlets and books, Nolan’s work evokes a time when art had a didactic and revolutionary function. While Nolan is clearly inspired by a time when art appeared to effect social change, her work playfully inserts content that has more to do with her everyday reality.
Fittingly, Rose Nolan’s artwork is sited in the Castlemaine Phee Broadway Theatre foyer, traversing the divide between the grand and the intimate, the theatrical and the bookish, the public and the personal.
A thought provoking point of entry to Festival theatrical performance between acts, Rose Nolan’s grand scale striking red and white banners drop from the gods and make a statement. Read or not, you cannot ignore their presence
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Posted in Friday April 1st, Friday April 8th, Monday April 4th, Saturday April 2nd, Saturday April 9th, Sunday April 10th, Sunday April 3rd, Thursday April 7th, Tuesday April 5th, Visual Arts, Wednesday April 6th