Raildomino is the 2013 Castlemaine State Festival international arts residency project. Building on the inaugural 2011 residency, with Indonesian artist Heri Dono, this year the Festival welcomes Belgian company Time Circus in their first Australian project.
Time Circus is a collective of artists who use recycled materials to build ingenious, unique, kinetic installations that are integrated with theatre and music performance. In Raildomino, Time Circus will engage in a hugely inspiring collaboration with Vossloh Cogifer Australia (steel railway ‘switch gear’ specialists), students from the Castlemaine Secondary College. Creative collaborations began months before the arrival of Time Circus in Australia, via social networking technology.
Raildomino has been an enormously exciting opportunity for local young people to work creatively with local industry knowledge leaders and artists of the highest international calibre. Drawing on the town’s famous history in steel forging and railway part production, Raildomino will result in a public sculptural installation to be built and exhibited on the Vossloh Cogifer site in Barker Street, Castlemaine. The work will be fabricated during the weeks leading up to the Festival, with some of the making process still underway during the Festival, allowing for interaction and engagement between audience and artists.
“Amazement our job, liberation our goal”
Time Circus
Open to view work in progress
Sat 16, 12-1pm and 4-5pm
Sun 17, 12-1pm and 4-5pm
Tue 19, 12-1pm and 4-5pm
Open to the public
Fri 22, 4-5pm (Informal launch and celebration)
Sat 23, 11-2pm and 3-5pm
Sun 24, 11-2pm and 3-5pm

Posted in Castlemaine Created, Free, Visual Arts, Workshops, Youth