Castlemaine State Festival

Castlemaine State Festival 2023


Castlemaine State Festival Youth Media Team 2023
Welcome to the CSF Youth Media Team 2023 content page. The YMT is a group of young people aged 13-25 who are creating a conversation about culture. Creative Learning Producer Kate Stones, Filmmaker Leonie Van Eyk and other local media professionals have been training the group with a Summer School in January and a program of weekly workshops. The YMT are creating promotional content, interviewing artists and audiences, and reviewing shows, in the formats of video, sound, photos and text.  The content they create appears here on the CSF website and social media pages. The Youth Media Team are supported by experienced adult facilitators during their Festival excursions.

To register for updates on the Youth Media Team and other opportunities for young people, email CSF’s Creative Learning Producer Kate Stones,


Castlemaine State Festival 2023 Youth Media Works

Cosmo Adams from the Youth Media Team had this short documentary accepted into the Castlemaine Documentary Film Festival 2023 locals program. It’s a film about ‘Nightwalks with Teenagers’. Great job Cosi! Congratulations!

Say hello to the 2023 Youth Media Team and find out why they love to join!

csf 2023 program launch video

by youth media team


Caolán from the Youth Media Team is looking forward to seeing ANAM.

Here’s what they had to say:

“As a young musician myself, who has performed with and viewed several symphonies and string groups, I am excited to see how a competitive national music school can perform. Many orchestras (this one shall be no different) instill a sense of awe in their audience due to the overarching feeling of joy, to just be playing. For all the musicians performing this will be especially true, as a school with strict entry conditions, everyone who performs with them wants to be there. These young musicians have travelled across the country performing with some of the world’s finest artists before bringing this show to you. With String Showcase, Bravura Brass and Winds of Change playing, no matter what you love they have it. Performing at the Castlemaine Town Hall from the 4th-6th of April concerts are held at times around 2-6pm so come on down and see the future of Australia’s orchestras.”

YMT members townes and jordhi went to the csf opening night with leonie. here’s what they thought about the expereince…


albie and charlie went to see ‘a simple space on opening weekend. here’s their review of the event…


before the festival, the youth media team interviewed terence jaensch, who worked on david rosetzky’s exhibition and video installation ‘air to atmosphere’. Albie was asking the questions…


Jordhi and kate from the ymt went to see ‘air to atmosphere’ at castlemaine art museum. jordhi took some photos and They talked about the show afterwards:

“When you walk in at first you see all these pictures of different people, and you probably wonder who these people are. And then you walk around and look at each different person, and then you walk into the next room and it will have a bunch of quotes. They were these powerful quotes, and when you stood back and looked at it, it was forming a colour palette, a colour wheel, it was really appealing to the eye, and it also resembled a rainbow, because people associate rainbows with LGBTIQI+ community. There was one quote that was ‘Did you get the letter I wrote? Then my Mum said ‘You sent us a letter’? and Dad said ‘I burned it’. That one stuck with me because, it says a lot even in itself, even if you don’t know what it says, because the Dad could be ashamed of what was in the letter, or ashamed of whoever the person was who sent it.


You read all the quotes, and then after that you walk into third and final room, and then suddenly you’re watching the people that you saw, and listening to the quotes that they said. It’s really cool. They talk about the LGBTQI+ community which was really nice. You could slowly walk through everything and experience it in it’s full, before you finally sit down and watch them talk about what it means to be queer and non-binary. Then with the choreography you saw each individual person in their own rooms talking to the camera – they could have been not in the same State, they looked like they were in completely different spaces, and then you see them all dancing together and having fun. I thought the choreography was really nice actually. You could notice the bits of Castlemaine that they were passing through and where they were going, and the dancing was really nice.


Personally myself, I am a he/him, and I’m bisexual, which is fine, and basically my views towards it are you know, if you feel that way, then be that way. If someone ridicules you for that, that says more about them than it says about you. People can be really mean sometimes. It’s not ok, but maybe that’s just them trying to find it themselves. Just be who you wanna be.”

cosi from the ymt interviewed the team from mammalian diving reflex, and then he filmed the performance of ‘nightwalks with teenagers’. He created this great clip which combines footage from the interview and the event.


cosi and rich went to see vika & linda and had a great time. here’s cosi’s awesome clip:


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