The Bridge Hotel presents
The Dolly Parton Experience
Ain’t nuthin’ but a knees up going on at the Big Top, courtesy of top purveyors of honky-tonk and Americana: Vanessa Wawruszak and James Ellis and the Jealous Guys. They’ve joined forces to create a tribute to the high priestess of high hair, Dolly Parton.
Outside of this 9-5, the Jealous Guys have released two albums: It Ain’t Texas (But It Ain’t Bad) (which won The Age Music Victoria Award for Best Country Album) and Country Lion and Wawruszak plays prolifically in Melbourne. In the past they’ve collaborated on a Merle Haggard-themed live show.
Western Reserve Big Top,
Forest Street
Thursday, April 6, 8pm
65 mins + After Party in Foyer
Wheelchair access