
The volunteers of the festival are an integral part of our team who share their time, experience and talents to support our programs, and help us maintain a high standard of public service. In turn the festival provides support, skills development opportunities, and a wide range of volunteering experiences.

The festival relies on over 150 volunteers in both the lead up to, and delivery of the festival, and the roles are many including; administration, production support, event management, ticketing, hospitality, marketing, artist liaison, transportation and accommodation.

For more information email volunteers@castlemainefestival.com.au.

2015 Volunteer Guidelines | 2015 Volunteer Handbook

Sign up to be a Volunteer:


The Festival welcomes new members for a fee of $20 per year. Membership gives you the opportunity to vote at the annual general meeting and to nominate for the Board.
For more information on how to become a member please contact the Festival Office.