Interview with CIPI – Artist – Castlemaine State Festival Open Studios

By March 7, 2017Interviews, Latest News

CIPI portrait Where did you grow up? How did it shape you into becoming an artist?

I grew up in Bowral, NSW. I think we must have done a lot of crafting in that town.

Did you choose your art subject or did it choose you?

My boats definitely chose me. I have no intention of letting a boat take me anywhere.

What attracts you to your subject matter?

Aesthetically speaking, the shapes, materials and processes attracts me. Philosophically speaking, its the possibilities and exploration of human ingenuity.

What is art for you, what does it do for you?

Art for me is a free-for-all expression of creativity. No questions asked.

 What’s in store for you in 2017?

I’m following my nose in 2017, can’t wait to see where it takes me.

How do you make your work?

I make my work in the times and spaces between the rest of life, and a precious few dedicated days. I use many mediums as I’m a collector of skills and the tools to make sense of them.

What is the integral work of an artist?

The work of an artist is to ask questions about the world and our existence, as well as expressing the deepest whimsy of life.

What is it that informs your work and how is it expressed in your art?

Human ingenuity, inventiveness, creativity and practicality are expressed quite literally in my art, frequently in miniature.

How do you feel that your art fits into the world at large?

I have no idea if it does as at all.

Who are you most influenced by in the art world?

I try to ignore the art world as much as is possible.

Who is your favourite artist?

At this very moment Viktor and Rolf

 How has your practice changed over time?

Object wise I think you can see a linear progression over the last 25 years. Attitude wise I’m definitely a lot more relaxed about the concept of ART.

How would you like people to view and interact with your art?

I would like them to view it AND interact with it. They can even own some of it if it inspires them enough.


CIPI will be part of the Castlemaine State Festival Open Studios

Dates & Times : 17 – 19 & 24 – 26 March 11am -4pm

1 Bull Street Castlemaine (at rear)

For more on CIPI’s work visit her website.

Author RobJ

Rob Jennings is working as the publicist for the Castlemaine State Festival. If you would like to get in contact see his website or email Rob here

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