Join one, two or all three professional development sessions for teachers who want to increase their skills in digital media, for both remote and classroom learning.
Term 1 2021, Thursday 11 Feb 2021, 9am – 12pm
Term 1 2021, Thursday 25 Feb 2021, 9am – 12pm
Term 2 2021, Thursday 20 May 2021, 9am – 12pm
Cost: Individual sessions $80/Book for all 3 sessions $200
To Book: Email nominating the sessions you want to book for and we will send you an invoice.
Please include your full name, school, subject area and year levels taught.
Session one: Engaging your students with creative video content
We will introduce teachers to the use of video to augment their teaching, for demonstrations and content delivery. We will explore how to make a professional video from concept through to presentation, using the technology we have at hand and discovering ways to create more engaging videos. We will incorporate some time for teachers to share their experiences of remote learning, and ideas for how to bring those experiences, skills and ideas back into a classroom setting. We will offer a basic ‘shopping list’ of affordable equipment that you will need to create your own quality footage, and look at how you can combine self-generated footage with found footage in the editing program. We will be using Premiere Elements to teach the basics of video editing, and we will provide an overview of other products that are available.
Session Two: Getting more from your video – a deeper look at editing
We will explore the editing in greater depth. For those who attended the first session, and others who already have a good grasp of the basics and want to learn more about editing. Teachers will get a chance to troubleshoot their experiences and directly apply these new skills to a hands-on experience, shooting and editing their own video. Participants will be given the opportunity to learn how to make their own demonstration videos and use them across multiple platforms.
Session Three: Using augmented reality and gaming technology in the classroom
We will look at how to build your own interactive virtual spaces for use in the classroom, and how to incorporate gaming concepts into your teaching. You will come away with strategies to enable your students to create their own virtual spaces using problem-solving techniques and provide them with a virtual platform for sharing their works.
Some laptops (MacBook Pro) and software will be provided for the workshops.
Please bring your own laptops if possible so we can set them up for your own personal use after the course.
Digital Goods is proudly supported by the Victorian Government Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions