Glyn Roberts, CSF Director, Castlemaine Goods Shed, December 2020 photo: Julie Millowick
Directors Welcome
Well, here we go!
The 2021 Castlemaine State Festival is upon us. I am writing this message in December 2020 and much uncertainty remains before us in delivering this magnificent Festival. What you can be assured by is that we have designed a festival that is ready to engage with the harsh winds of change due to the tireless work of an amazing team here at CSF HQ. We have added 6 days to the length of the event so each day of the Festival you will be able to discover a Festival and a program of artists safely and at your own pace.We also hope to give you time to explore our wonderful region as you hop from experienceto experience.
Themes of renewal abound as we at CSF always like to pose the question of “what next?” in all we do. With one eye on the horizon, you will also engage with ancient wisdom, the collective conscious, and delights that serve to heal and move. While this edition will be complemented by an enlarged digital access offering, we are as always in the business of presence, of being here. In which case, you better get here soon as we are ready and waiting.
See you at the Festival.